1325 S International Pkwy, Lake Mary, FL 32746

When Was Emulous Media Founded?

When Was Emulous Media Founded?

Emulous Media was founded on July 18th 2022.

You’re probably wondering why even make this an article. To some it’s important to know when a company was founded. We knew we had to build this company slightly different and that it would take close to 6 months before it officially launched.
Here’s what we thought is even more important:

Why was Emulous Media Founded?

Aaron Scheetz, the CEO of ASCHE Corp (his own internet marketing and consulting agency) decided that it was time to build something different than the norm. He knew that in order to grow his current company he would need to hire more employees and possibly find people with vision to help see the company grow through these extraordinary times.
That’s when an idea came to mind. Why not create a new marketing company that’s full of other marketing agency owners?
The idea works as follows:
The globe is saturated with digital marketers from basements to high rise towers. Each marketed has their own respective talent and is trying to get his or her slice of the pie. We as owners have many hats on our heads, such as obtaining new business, fulfilling business orders, and managing their business. You can see that this becomes a large distraction for us because in order to grow our business we need to hire more employees to take these tasks off our hands. However, in order to hire more employees we need to have more income to pay those employees. Nobody likes to work on commission any more. Its that endless roundabout that causes businesses to ultimately fail.
Emulous Media Inc. was founded to take some of the most talented marketing experts and put them all under the same umbrella. Here you’ll find the best SEO, ADS, FACEBOOK, INSTAGRAM, PINTEREST, YELP, GOOGLE, APPLE, TIKTOK, YOUTUBE, and EMAIL MARKETING experts. Many of these members have had their own agency and understand what its like to own a business, thus giving an extra push to collaboration. Our team is based right here in the United States of America. Everyone has their own specialty and depending on the services you purchase, you’ll be assigned some of these experts to work on your projects.
We have our company set to launch on January 1st 2023!