1325 S International Pkwy, Lake Mary, FL 32746

Dating A Marketing Company

Dating A Marketing Company

Curious about dating a marketing company?

You might be wondering why would I date a marketing company? It’s not really a new concept, but we’re here to explain it regardless. Too many marketing companies out there try to propose on the first date. We get it, time is of the essence. However, have you really thought about the client proposal? Do you know if you’re ready to grow a family/business together. Are you the right one for me? Many companies have already been burned and divorced in serious marketing marriages.
At Emulous Media, things are a little different here. We’re not the average marketing company and we’re not asking you to marry us sight unseen.
While we have some prices listed on our services pages, ultimately we need to build your own custom proposal that suits your unique business’s needs.
We offer top tier talent, so our prices are higher than other companies. Our main goal is to get you strong results much faster, so we can shorten the dating process and skip on over to happily ever after.
In each of our services that we offer, we give you the chance to go on a date with us and find out if we’re truly meant to be together. It’s not just for your benefit, because we’ve had horrible clients too. We’re not trying to marry into a one-way relationship where nothing gets done properly.

Date a Marketing Company Packages

Instead of the boring 1-3 year marketing contracts, we offer things slightly different than others. You’ll have a few options to date us and decide for yourself whether we’re a good fit to work together.
For starters:
We’re REAL PEOPLE in the USA. Not a scam artist in Estonia trying to get you to wire money via western union promising that they will hop on a jet and spend their lives with you… Depending on your location, we’ll actually come to you and visit with you.
We offer small time-frame agreements. If you need a once-and-done service, we wont sell you a two year contract for that service. If you’re not ready for a yearly commitment, then choose a 3 or 6 month package and we’ll re-evaluate afterwards. Some of our service packages are just a one-time setup and optimization agreement. We understand marketing service time-frames. Meaning, if you elect a specific service we can give you a good estimate on how long it will take to generate real results in your location and industry. If you give us the time we need to perform the services properly, we will produce proper results.
Ultimately we’re here to get married if we’re a great fit. There is actually quite a lot of effort on our end when it comes to on-boarding new clients. We’re not in this for a one night take-all-your-money-and-your-heart stand.
Visit our contact page and reach out to us if you’re interested in going on a date. We can discuss your custom offers and let you take a less committed approach.