1325 S International Pkwy, Lake Mary, FL 32746

Our 100 Day Local Marketing Sprint

Defeat your competition and dominate your local service market with our 100 day massive marketing package.

2 Stage 100 Day Google Maps Optimization

We will optimize your Google Maps Listing and unlock your business’s potential to bring in highly qualified prospects that are actively searching for your services because they need your services… Not tire-kickers who are responding to a social media post or saw a discounted offer.

This a 100 day two-stage action plan.

WHY IS THIS IMPORTANT? Your Google Maps listing is your primary client facing sales tool. This is where clients find you when doing Local searches. Businesses that rank in the top three positions on the maps get 90% of all the business. You’ll get the bulk amount of customer phone calls from this and if you have a storefront, your foot traffic comes from the maps.

This service alone is valued at $2997

Two Stage 100 Day Google Maps Optimization Services

Website Optimization

We will optimize your current website to meet Google’s standards for relevance.

If you don’t already have a website, we will build one free of charge, then optimize it for search engines.

Your website is such a powerful tool, we cannot complete our services without one.

WHY IS THIS IMPORTANT? Your website helps Google understand and trust your business profile. It’s also 2024 now, if you don’t have a website you’re already losing trust from Google and your potential customers. When your website is optimized and mirrors the content of your Google Business Profile, you’ll pick up much more customers.

This service alone is valued at $2997

Website Optimization Services

Voice Search Registration

We will register your business on Apple Siri, Amazon Alexa, Samsung Bixby, Microsoft Cortana, and Google Assistant. 

46% of voice searchers look for local businesses daily.

84% of consumers that use voice search, contact the first recommendations made by their device

58% of voice searchers actually choose the first business recommended by Siri, Alexa, Bixby, Cortana, and Google Assistant

WHY IS THIS IMPORTANT?  Voice search is not going away, and currently its one of the fastest ways to pick up new customers.

This service alone is valued at $799

Voice Search Registration Services

Voice Search Optimization

We take voice search services to another level.

We will optimize your website for specific search queries to draw higher intent on buying customers for the services you offer on Siri, Alexa, Bixby, Cortana, and Google Assistant.

WHY IS THIS IMPORTANT?  We physically go into your website and create voice searchable content that will push potential customers to you.

This is beyond what other companies offer and if your competitors are already on voice search, this will propel your business past them.

This service alone is valued at $2497

Voice Search Optimization Services

Genuine Profile Interaction

We will use our own private network of real individuals in your area to interact and engage with your business profile to make Google think you’re more relevant than your competition

This service is normally an extra feature for businesses that need more engagement with their brand.

This services works two ways: It makes your business score more relevant in Google’s eyes, AND it decreases your competition’s score.

WHY IS THIS IMPORTANT? Other companies use computer software to present Google with false clicks and actions in your profiles. While this has worked great over the last few years, we’ve found Google is already catching on and finding these software programs.

This service alone is valued at $2997

Voice Search Optimization Services

Our 100 Day Marketing Sprint Bonuses

These are marketing bonuses designed to increase the speed at which we deliver new customers.

1 Hour Strategy Consultation

We will personally help you build your own marketing strategy by dissecting your website and giving you action points on what needs to be fixed.

We will go over your current local marketing, discuss your brand awareness, and find additional outlets to get more customers.

WHY IS THIS IMPORTANT? Communication is huge for us, we want to help you in every way possible. Bring a pen and notebook, you will find thousands of dollars in value, guaranteed.

Companies also request us to come directly to their place of business to teach their in-house marketing team our strategies for $5000 a day.

This bonus alone is valued at $749

1 hour Marketing Strategy Consultation Services

Citation Cleanup

We will make sure your business details (Name Address Phone & Business Hours) are correct across hundreds of websites. This builds a high amount of trust with Google when they see other websites all stating the same information.

We need to locate and repair every listing we can find and make sure your business information is correct.

WHY IS THIS IMPORTANT? In order to get your business shown on Google, they need to trust you! Google does not trust any single website or business profile. However, when several websites all share the same information about your business, that’s when Google will trust you.

This bonus alone is valued at $997

Business Listing and Citation Cleanup Services

Competitor Interference locking

We will use our own software to LOCK your business citation information across the internet in order to prevent your competitors from altering your info or create fake profiles. This happens much more often than you know.

This prevents your competitors from using malicious tricks against you.

WHY IS THIS IMPORTANT? We have seen this time and time again. When a client starts to move up the search results, it pushes their competitors down. Your competitors will do anything that they can to take your business down.

This bonus alone is valued at $749

Competitor Listing Interference Locking Services

Our Best Kept Secret to Extremely Powerful Growth

This secret is responsible for our own business generating over 6 figures worth of sales and is the fastest possible way to get Google itself to force new customers to your business. 

(Secret will only be shared via encrypted phone call or in person)

WHY IS THIS IMPORTANT? This hands down, is the most powerful way to boost your customer base. It has a 100% success rate on businesses that have optimized websites and business profiles.

We wont discuss this until week 3 of your 100 day marketing package.

This bonus alone is valued at $2997

Our Highest Kept Marketing Secrets for Extremely Powerful Local Business Growth

Secret Traffic Booster

We will use our own trade secret to provide a much needed boost to your Google Maps Listing.

Consider this the almighty WD-40 formula that helps push a business with RUSTY marketing and hard to move parts.

WHY IS THIS IMPORTANT?  This is an internal service that we offer that will spike Google’s interest. It’s the first thing we do when a new client comes to us stating their marketing is “stuck”. 

This bonus alone is valued at $997

Our Highest Kept Marketing Secrets for Extremely Powerful Local Business Growth

AI Blog post creation checklist and strategy prompt

We will give you our perfected Blog post creation checklist and an AI chat prompt to effortlessly create unique content for your customers to consume.

This strategy makes it really simple to generate content for your posts based on just a few questions you can answer about each job you go on.

WHY IS THIS IMPORTANT?  Your website needs to reflect what’s going on inside your business. You need to have regular posts that are linked through your social media and your Google Business Profile.

This service alone is valued at $497

AI Blog Post Checklist and Strategy Prompt Services

Our unique client strategy for 5 star reviews

We will show you our reputation management system that to continually obtains more 5 star reviews for your business.

Google values reviews over any other factor when it come to getting your business to the top of search results where your customers are waiting.

WHY IS THIS IMPORTANT? This strategy helps you obtain frequent reviews. We give you the best converting phrase to get someone into their phone and onto your profile.

This bonus alone is valued at $749

Our Client Strategy for Obtaining More 5 Star Reviews

Add it all up

  • $2997: 2 Stage 100 Day Google Maps Optimization
  • $2997: Website Optimization
  • $799: Voice Search Registration
  • $2497: Voice Search Optimization
  • #2997: Genuine Profile Interaction
  • $749 BONUS: 1 Hour Strategy Consultation
  • $997 BONUS: Citation Cleanup
  • $749 BONUS: Competitor Interference Locking
  • $2997 BONUS: Our Best Kept Secret to Powerful Growth
  • $997 BONUS: Our Secret Traffic Booster Package
  • $497 BONUS: AI Blog Post Creation Checklist & Strategy Prompt
  • $749 BONUS: Our Unique Client Strategy for More 5 STAR Reviews
Total Value
$ 0


For 100 Days of Marketing
$ 19326

This is our best local marketing deal in history for less than $50 per day or $6.18 per hour.
That's less then half the cost of a minimum wage employee.

The Emulous Media Local Marketing Team

Aaron Scheetz
President & Founder

Aaron Scheetz, President of Emulous Media Inc

David Simpson
Vice President

Valentina Scheetz
Project Manager

Paul Scheetz
Account Manager

Jewel Obelidhon
Media Manager

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